LifeSpan's top 10 Healthy Offices
Treadmill Desk Manufacturer LifeSpan have recently released a report into the top 10 active offices. It's not surprising to see that the companies featured are some of the worlds most well-known brands - proving once again that an active office is a productive office!

It's great when companies invest in the health and wellbeing of their staff, not only does it make employees feel valued and appreciated but it also attracts new highly motivated individuals. Imagine you attend two interviews, one office has treadmill desks and meetings are held around a pool table vs the job where you're expected to sit at a desk for 8+ hours a day, email is the prefered method of communication between you and your new work colleagues and meetings are long and held around a stuffy boardroom table - which job would you prefer?
click here to find out what offices made the top 10!