Great Equipment to use with your Treadmill Desk
So you now have your treadmill desk installed in your office and are ready to start walking and working. Although all of our treadmill desks are compatible with all regular office equipment we have identified a number of ergonomic products all designed to make life at your treadmill desk a little easier.
Monitor Arms
When standing at your treadmill desk the top of your screen should be at eye level, although the treadmill desks are height adjustable taller users may find they need a monitor arm to raise their screens.

Vertical Grip Computer Mouse
Some users prefer to use a vertical grip mouse as they have been proven to dramatically reduce RSI. It works well with your treadmill desk as it is designed for a smoother more accurate use. Simply position your hand on the base and use your thumb to scroll left to right.

If you spend a lot of time on the phone a telephone headset is a great investment for you to use at your treadmill desk not only will it keep your hands free for typing headsets are also much better for your neck and back as people have the tendency to tilt their neck to one side when using the phone.

Split Keyboards
When using the desk some users use their forearms to balance whilst typing. A split keyboard allows you to position the keyboard at a distance apart that’s comfortable for you.

For a full range of ergonomic products and accessories pleased visit our sister company