Active Office Install
The Treadmill Desks Store installs many treadmill desks all over the UK every week. We love working with companies to find how, why, and what inspired them to install treadmill desks in their businesses. Answers vary, some for medical reasons such as lower back pain - for which the treadmill desk is proven to reduce. For others it's just a case of wanting to make their offices a healthier place for their employees.
This particular install was one of our favourites as they wanted to create an active office, one where their employees were free to move away from their desk. They were looking for ways to inject fun into the workplace and break the tradition of sitting at the desk from 9-5 everyday.
Along with the two treadmill desks, the company also installed a ping pong table. The hope is that the area will be used by employees as an additional meeting space, an area to let of steam or just an area to get the muscles working!