Lifespan have launched a new desktop controller for their walking treadmills. It's called the SC110 or "Glow Up" controller and replaces the DT3 model that has been around since Lifespan's first walking treadmill appeared about 10 years ago.
So, what's the difference between the DT3 and SC110?
Firsly, they're both compatible with all Lifespan under desk treadmills and essentially do the same thing - control your treadmill and display stats.
The SC110 just does it better.

The two main improvements over the DT3 are appearance and the display. The SC110 simultaneously shows Distance, Speed, kCal, Steps and Time Walked. The older DT3 does display the same stats but you have to toggle through them as it can only show one at a time.
The SC110 also makes it easier to access and change personal settings although you'll do this very infrequently.
Another useful enhancement is the addition of 3 speed preset buttons which is helpful, especially if more than one person uses the treadmill desk. However, I can't see how to change the default speeds they're set to (0.4, 1.2 and 2mph) so it's likely none will be an ideal speed for you.
Of course it looks better too, it's of the time and won't be out of place on your desk.
Bluetooth connectivity has also been brought up to date which will make it easier to connect to the new Lifespan App which is expected later in 2023.
As it's lighter and because it's more upright it does tend to move when you press the buttons whereas the DT3 is rock solid! Also, the more complicated menu structure and buttons sometimes leave you wondering how to get in and out of menus and how to start walking on the treadmill.
I've got both controllers at home but have stuck with the DT3, it's simpler to operate and I don't feel the need to look at all my stats at the same time. Maybe, I'm just not used to the SC110 but they're both perfectly good at what they do.
What hasn't changed it the rock solid quality and reliability of the Lifespan Walking Treadmills themselves and that's what's important.
We still have DT3's in stock (discounted by £100!) and they're perfectly good for controlling your treadmill.

The new SC110 controller is a welcome and overdue addition from Lifespan but don't worry too much about which one you choose.